[News]- Sukoharjo in The Cover of Pollution

nisa riyanto
3 min readJan 21, 2021

Unpleasant smells like the smell of human feces have been mixed with the air around Plesan Village, Gupit Village, Celep Village and Pengkol Village, Sukoharjo since the end of 2017. It’s reasonable for the residents of the village got angry because of the unpleasant smell when the production time of Rayon Utama Makmur Inc (PT RUM) came.

PT RUM became a suspect behind the unpleasant smell of cotton liquid waste that used in the cotton production. PT RUM became a hot topic in Surakarta Community in early 2018 because PT RUM became a suspect in a case of air pollution in some of Sukoharjo area. PT RUM itself is a sub of the Sri Rejeki Isman Textile Inc (Sritex Inc) which is the largest textile company in Indonesia event in the South-Asia that the location still located in Sukoharjo area.

Tirto.id reported in the article that the unpleasant smell of the liquid waste of PT RUM production caused 100 people have URI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection), 56 people have dyspepsia and a person have dermatitis. These diseases are caused by environmental pollution of the liquid waste of PT RUM production.

In this case, we are questioning the research of Environmental impact assessment (AMDAL) process. Is there any shortage in the process of AMDAL, or there is a conspiracy between the regional government and the company to be able to set a Factory with stink liquid waste in the middle of the Residents.

Research on the AMDAL process seems to be a serious concern. An independent team from Muhammadiyah had the opportunity to research the AMDAL process from PT RUM. They found that PT RUM has not managed carbon sulfide to its full potential. Carbon absorption in the cotton production process releases toxic gases that cause respiratory diseases, dizziness, and congestion.

At The PT RUM AMDAL in 2015, PT RUM did not mention directly that the production of cotton would produce Carbon Sulfide. This Carbon sulfide is the cause of the stink smell that causes air pollution. From this case, we know that the company tries to use ‘smart’ trick to get what the company needs. The impact is on the people who harmed by the waste. The company only think about income and benefit of the company and ignore humanities values. They didn’t think that the poisonous gas can kill people around the factory.

The things that need to highlight is the government’s slow response to handle this environmental pollution case. The activist to against the PT RUM had been sent complaint and demos to the both of government and PT RUM since October 2017. But the government started to move when the case of the pollution increased in March 2018 when the police arrested seven activists. The seven people were arrested for 2–3 years.

The PT RUM case is one of many cases in Indonesia that must be considered by everyone. When people only need their rights, just need to breathe freely, they end up in jail.

The government should also pay attention to this case because it concerns the health and survival of Sukoharjo residents. Don’t just prioritize financial interests, but the government should also be able to prioritize the welfare of all citizens.

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nisa riyanto

a freelance writer and graphic designer. Movie, drama, k-pop, and anime addict